Professional Golfers of Color Association (PGCA) is a non-for-profit organization that looks to solicit funding for the relief and maintenance of members in distressed circumstances whenever the member/s attending golf tournament/s.
Our mission is to advance the players of color to be competitive in the professional circuit by constantly engaging with partners and the sponsors to assist players of color while they are playing a competitive golf as professionals.
The Number Of People Who Have Taken Action With In Advancing Golf
Any form of donation and sponsorship would be to the advancement of professional golfers of color. Professional golfers of color in return have responsibility to get involved in their sponsors golf days or golf games.
The logos of the sponsors of the professional golfers of colour association would be displayed in all their marketing collaterals that are associated with the professional associations of colour.
The sponsors by donating to professional golfers of color association can claim for tax rebates.
Donors and sponsors would be invited to the tournaments of the professional golfers of colour association Pro-Am